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In his photographs of reconstructed rooms and places Thomas Demand (born in Munich in 1964) explores a notion of reality that guides our perception of a media and technology-dominated world. For this purpose he produces life-size reconstructions then are perfectly lit and photographed with a large-size camera. What, at first sight, seems to be a hyperrealistic reproduction of reality proves, at a closer look, to be a model. Reduced to a purely superficial surface they are strangely artificial. Cool and untouched they are like another world in which reality and virtuality are emeshed. With their sterile superficiality, Demand\'s high-gloss prints serve as perfect screens for our memories - memories of daily life that mark our modern view of the world: pictures from newspapers, magazines, the internet, television, and sometimes, books. Like film stills they capture moments that refer to a greater event and evoke stories in our mind.

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Emne Fotokunst
Kunstner DEMAND, Thomas
Forfatter Friedel Helmet, Poul Erik Tøjner m.fl.
Sprog Engelsk/tysk
Illustrationer 80 ill. i farver
Format / Sideantal 20 x 22 cm / 216 sider
Udgivelsesår 2002
Indbinding Indbundet
Forlag schirmer/Mosel
ISBN 3829600836
Lev. 3-5 dage


In his photographs of reconstructed rooms and places Thomas Demand (born in Munich in 1964) explores a notion of reality that guides our perception of a media and technology-dominated world. For this purpose he produces life-size reconstructions then are perfectly lit and photographed with a large-size camera. What, at first sight, seems to be a hyperrealistic reproduction of reality proves, at a closer look, to be a model. Reduced to a purely superficial surface they are strangely artificial. Cool and untouched they are like another world in which reality and virtuality are emeshed. With their sterile superficiality, Demand\'s high-gloss prints serve as perfect screens for our memories - memories of daily life that mark our modern view of the world: pictures from newspapers, magazines, the internet, television, and sometimes, books. Like film stills they capture moments that refer to a greater event and evoke stories in our mind.