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Eberhard Havekost - Titel

Eberhard Havekost (born 1967) is considered to be one of the great talents in contemporary art. Based on digital photographic material and liberated from the traces of handcraft, his paintings set the scene for our everyday surroundings, from people and objects to landscapes, with a cool gaze. The exceptional artist’s innovative style is characterised by his zooming in on details and the use of radical perspectives. Most recently his work has developed a tendency towards abstract painting. The present catalogue, which features current works, is therefore not to be missed.
Pris ved 1Stk 399,00 DKK

Emne Nutidskunst
Kunstner Eberhard Havekost
Forfatter Walter Smerling
Sprog Engelsk / Tysk
Illustrationer 212 farve illustrationer
Format / Sideantal 24 x 29 cm. / 168 s.
Udgivelsesår 2014
Indbinding Hæftet, flexicover
Forlag Wienand
ISBN 9783868321692
Lev. 3-5 dage
Eberhard Havekost (born 1967) is considered to be one of the great talents in contemporary art. Based on digital photographic material and liberated from the traces of handcraft, his paintings set the scene for our everyday surroundings, from people and objects to landscapes, with a cool gaze. The exceptional artist’s innovative style is characterised by his zooming in on details and the use of radical perspectives. Most recently his work has developed a tendency towards abstract painting. The present catalogue, which features current works, is therefore not to be missed.