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James Turrell - Extraordinary Ideas - Realized

JAMES Turrell ( 1943-)

Magician of light and color: all of James Turrell's great works in a single volume, featuring photographs never seen before

For more than fifty years, James Turrell, one of the most prominent artists of our time, has devoted himself to the exploration of the (im)materiality and perception of light. Turrell succeeds like no other artist in making it possible to experience light as an artistic medium through the senses and the intellect alike. He himself describes his art as “perceptual art.” In his large installations the artist floods accessible spaces with light, which spills out in soft seas of color or intensely glowing, luminous fogs, taking viewers to the limits of their perception. This book provides a comprehensive view of Turrell’s oeuvre and unites works of art from various phases of his career from the 1960s onward.

Pris ved 1Stk 698,00 DKK

Emne Installationskunst
Kunstner James Turrell
Sprog Engelsk
Illustrationer 178 ill.
Format / Sideantal 24,5 x 30 cm. / 192 s.
Udgivelsesår 2018
Indbinding Indbundet
Forlag Hatje Cantz - Museum Frieder Burda
ISBN 978-3-7757-4484-3
Lev. 3-5 dage
JAMES Turrell ( 1943-)

Magician of light and color: all of James Turrell's great works in a single volume, featuring photographs never seen before

For more than fifty years, James Turrell, one of the most prominent artists of our time, has devoted himself to the exploration of the (im)materiality and perception of light. Turrell succeeds like no other artist in making it possible to experience light as an artistic medium through the senses and the intellect alike. He himself describes his art as “perceptual art.” In his large installations the artist floods accessible spaces with light, which spills out in soft seas of color or intensely glowing, luminous fogs, taking viewers to the limits of their perception. This book provides a comprehensive view of Turrell’s oeuvre and unites works of art from various phases of his career from the 1960s onward.