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Man Ray - Human Equations

A Journey from Mathematics to Shakespeare

How does one make sense of a purported link between mathematics, William Shakespeare, and art? The answer lies within the oeuvre of Man Ray (1890–1976). The publication sets out to unravel the Surrealist puzzle beginning with his photographs of mathematical models he encountered at the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris in the thirties. Moreover, it charts a path culminating in his Shakespearean Equations (1947–1954) series of oil paintings, which were inspired by the photographs and painted in Hollywood over a decade later. The arc the images strike from painting back to photography reveals the ease with which Man Ray moved between various disciplines and forged his own path. An inveterate experimenter, he pioneered artistic activities in the realms of painting, object making, film, and photography, challenging conventional boundaries and blurring established aesthetic categories.
Pris ved 1Stk 450,00 DKK

Emne Fotokunst
Kunstner Man Ray
Forfatter Wendy A. Grossman, Edouard Sebline
Sprog Engelsk
Illustrationer 248 illustrationer.
Format / Sideantal 23.50 x 25.50 cm. / 238 s.
Udgivelsesår 2014
Indbinding Hardback
Forlag Hatje Cantz
ISBN 9783775739207
Lev. 3-5 dage
A Journey from Mathematics to Shakespeare

How does one make sense of a purported link between mathematics, William Shakespeare, and art? The answer lies within the oeuvre of Man Ray (1890–1976). The publication sets out to unravel the Surrealist puzzle beginning with his photographs of mathematical models he encountered at the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris in the thirties. Moreover, it charts a path culminating in his Shakespearean Equations (1947–1954) series of oil paintings, which were inspired by the photographs and painted in Hollywood over a decade later. The arc the images strike from painting back to photography reveals the ease with which Man Ray moved between various disciplines and forged his own path. An inveterate experimenter, he pioneered artistic activities in the realms of painting, object making, film, and photography, challenging conventional boundaries and blurring established aesthetic categories.