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mittelbemindert_WOLFGANG NEUMANN


Wolfgang Neumann does not produce ‘easy’ paintings: they contain intense, vivid colours, worked in powerful brushstrokes that evoke compelling and spontaneous impressions. Neumann moves with confidence upon the stage of art history and contemporary history. In his paintings and via their titles, he adroitly observes our times and our understanding of reality.
In addition to the paintings, he also creates multi-layered pencil drawings, and recently also assemblages; all are comprehensively displayed in the catalogue.
Through their intellectual vigour and the diverse ways that they rupture the false realities of our media age, the works of Neumann reflect the condition of our times.

The illustrated book was published on the occasion of the exhibition “Wolfgang Neumann. mittelbemindert“, 2008, Städtische Galerie Ostfildern.

Pris ved 1 298,00 DKK

Emne Nutidskunst
Kunstner MEUMANN, Wolfgang
Forfatter Colmar Schulte-Goltz & Mark-Steffen Bremer
Sprog Engelsk/tysk tekst
Illustrationer 83 ill, heraf 66 i farver
Format / Sideantal 22 x 16 cm / 104 sider
Udgivelsesår 2008
Indbinding Indbundet
Forlag Kerber Verlag
ISBN 9783866781436
Lev. 3-5 dage


Wolfgang Neumann does not produce ‘easy’ paintings: they contain intense, vivid colours, worked in powerful brushstrokes that evoke compelling and spontaneous impressions. Neumann moves with confidence upon the stage of art history and contemporary history. In his paintings and via their titles, he adroitly observes our times and our understanding of reality.
In addition to the paintings, he also creates multi-layered pencil drawings, and recently also assemblages; all are comprehensively displayed in the catalogue.
Through their intellectual vigour and the diverse ways that they rupture the false realities of our media age, the works of Neumann reflect the condition of our times.

The illustrated book was published on the occasion of the exhibition “Wolfgang Neumann. mittelbemindert“, 2008, Städtische Galerie Ostfildern.