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International Compendium Prix Ars Electronica 2002

The yearly Ars Electronica Festival is conceived as a joint creative platform for artists and scientists from various disciplines in the field of digital media design. The Prix Ars Electronica awarded at the festival was installed by the ORF regional broadcasting station Upper Austria in 1987; since then, more than 10,000 artists from over 60 countries have participated in the contest. The Prix Ars Electronica represents an internationally noted state-of-the-art trend barometer in media art, impressively illustrating both the artistic and cultural as well as the social implications of the digital media. The list of winners serves as a Who's Who of Cyber Art: Peter Gabriel, John Lasseter, Linus Torvalds and many other renowned artists have been among the recipients of the coveted trophy, the "Golden Nica", for their outstanding works. The winners in the five categories "Computer Animation/Visual Effects", "Digital Musics", "Interactive Art", ".net" and, since 1988, also "Cybergeneration - u19 freestyle computing" (a special category for Austrian youths) - are chosen by five juries of international experts.

Edited by Hannes Leopoldseder, Christine Schöpf, texts by Pete Barr-Watson, Hannes Leopoldseder, Christine Schöpf

Pris ved 1 299,00 DKK

Emne Årbøger
Kunstner Diverse
Forfatter Diverse
Sprog Engelsk/tysk
Illustrationer 223 Ill. i farver
Format / Sideantal 24 x 17 cm / 248 sider
Udgivelsesår 2002
Indbinding Indbundet
Forlag Hatje Cantz Publishers
ISBN 3775712089
Lev. 14 dage

International Compendium Prix Ars Electronica 2002

The yearly Ars Electronica Festival is conceived as a joint creative platform for artists and scientists from various disciplines in the field of digital media design. The Prix Ars Electronica awarded at the festival was installed by the ORF regional broadcasting station Upper Austria in 1987; since then, more than 10,000 artists from over 60 countries have participated in the contest. The Prix Ars Electronica represents an internationally noted state-of-the-art trend barometer in media art, impressively illustrating both the artistic and cultural as well as the social implications of the digital media. The list of winners serves as a Who's Who of Cyber Art: Peter Gabriel, John Lasseter, Linus Torvalds and many other renowned artists have been among the recipients of the coveted trophy, the "Golden Nica", for their outstanding works. The winners in the five categories "Computer Animation/Visual Effects", "Digital Musics", "Interactive Art", ".net" and, since 1988, also "Cybergeneration - u19 freestyle computing" (a special category for Austrian youths) - are chosen by five juries of international experts.

Edited by Hannes Leopoldseder, Christine Schöpf, texts by Pete Barr-Watson, Hannes Leopoldseder, Christine Schöpf