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The British publisher Ridinghouse brings out the most comprehensive look into the life and work of German abstract expressionist Georg Baselitz. The book is divided into four sections: personal images; a record of Baselitz's artworks; the artist's own writings (some published for the first time, many never before translated into English); and interviews with the artist by noted writers and art historians. Known for his rebellious approach to painting, Baselitz discusses the act of painting, his biography and much more. The artist's writings cover topics from his first trip abroad to other painters he's admired. Though not a catalogue raisonne, this copiously illustrated book gives a complete picture of a seminal artist.

Pris ved 1 299,00 DKK

Emne Ny-eskpressionisme
Kunstner Baselitz, Georg
Forfatter Jill Lloyd, ed. Detlev Gretenkort
Sprog Engelsk
Illustrationer 30 ill.
Format / Sideantal 21x14 / 300 sider
Udgivelsesår 2010
Indbinding hæftet
Forlag Ridinghouse
ISBN 9781905464234
Lev. 3-5 dage


The British publisher Ridinghouse brings out the most comprehensive look into the life and work of German abstract expressionist Georg Baselitz. The book is divided into four sections: personal images; a record of Baselitz's artworks; the artist's own writings (some published for the first time, many never before translated into English); and interviews with the artist by noted writers and art historians. Known for his rebellious approach to painting, Baselitz discusses the act of painting, his biography and much more. The artist's writings cover topics from his first trip abroad to other painters he's admired. Though not a catalogue raisonne, this copiously illustrated book gives a complete picture of a seminal artist.