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GUSTAVE CAILLEBOTTE. An Impressionist and Photography


The work of Caillebotte added a new dimension to French Impressionist painting. His radical and modern designs with a photographic quality inspired a new kind of perception and anticipated the dynamism and abstraction of photography which was in the process of being developed. Selected photographs by André Kertész, Wols and László Moholy-Nagy, among others, demonstrate a strong affinity with the work of Caillebotte.

Pris ved 1 599,00 DKK

Emne Impressionisme
Kunstner CAILLEBOTTE, Gustave
Forfatter Max Hollein
Sprog Engelsk tekst
Illustrationer 260 ill. i farver & s/h
Format / Sideantal 26 x 23 cm / 224 sider
Udgivelsesår 2012
Indbinding indbundet
Forlag Hirmer Verlag
ISBN 9783777459219
Lev. 3-5 dage


The work of Caillebotte added a new dimension to French Impressionist painting. His radical and modern designs with a photographic quality inspired a new kind of perception and anticipated the dynamism and abstraction of photography which was in the process of being developed. Selected photographs by André Kertész, Wols and László Moholy-Nagy, among others, demonstrate a strong affinity with the work of Caillebotte.