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Udgivet i forbindelse med udstilling på Heart.
Bogen indeholder gengivelser af kunstnerens værker, en artikel om værkerne i relation til udstillingens tema om fangethed, samt et interview med John Kørner.
Vedlagt film/cd, en 59 minutter lang dvd af Jørgen Leth, der følger John Kørner i hans arbejde fra 2008 til 2012.

HEART has been following the career of Kørner closely since making his first museum exhibition The Greenland Problem in 2004. Since then, John Kørner has gained critical success both nationally and internationally. It is therefore with great pride that HEART presents Caught, an exhibition that will highlight and investigate central themes in the artist's career so far.
The exhibition, titled Caught, is part of HEART's Future Programme, which has been made possible thanks to the generous support of the Obel Family Foundation.
Predominant among Kørner's themes, is the concept of problems that intersect all aspects of Kørner's art. Kørner has worked with a line of different problems for example, the Danish war effort. Galvanizing the artist to proclaim that he would paint a picture for each Danish soldier who fell in Afghanistan. Similarly, the artist has focused on Greenland, the woman as a global figure, sex trade, the performative and lately the changing character of the Friesland area.

With exuberant childish colours, the Danish artist paints heavy, urgent problems with light strokes in order to address the major challenges that concern us all. Now he puts the art behind bars to isolate a new problem.
While Caught incorporates works from all parts of Kørner's career, it also explores an overarching theme of imprisonment, which has interested the artist for some time. In order to delve into this new problematic, the artist makes full use of central works in his oeuvre, as well as new ones produced specifically for Caught. A central element in the exhibition will be a life-size prison cell that the artist has designed for HEART and which will serve as a platform for a deeper engagement with Kørner's body of work.
Pris ved 1Stk 500,00 DKK

Emne Nutidskunst
Forfatter Lars Bang Larsen og Michael Bank Christoffersen
Sprog Engelsk
Illustrationer Gennemill. i farver
Format / Sideantal 176 sider
Udgivelsesår 2013
Indbinding Indbundet (D-3)
Forlag Heart
Antikvarisk Antikvarisk
Lev. 3-5 dage
Udgivet i forbindelse med udstilling på Heart.
Bogen indeholder gengivelser af kunstnerens værker, en artikel om værkerne i relation til udstillingens tema om fangethed, samt et interview med John Kørner.
Vedlagt film/cd, en 59 minutter lang dvd af Jørgen Leth, der følger John Kørner i hans arbejde fra 2008 til 2012.

HEART has been following the career of Kørner closely since making his first museum exhibition The Greenland Problem in 2004. Since then, John Kørner has gained critical success both nationally and internationally. It is therefore with great pride that HEART presents Caught, an exhibition that will highlight and investigate central themes in the artist's career so far.
The exhibition, titled Caught, is part of HEART's Future Programme, which has been made possible thanks to the generous support of the Obel Family Foundation.
Predominant among Kørner's themes, is the concept of problems that intersect all aspects of Kørner's art. Kørner has worked with a line of different problems for example, the Danish war effort. Galvanizing the artist to proclaim that he would paint a picture for each Danish soldier who fell in Afghanistan. Similarly, the artist has focused on Greenland, the woman as a global figure, sex trade, the performative and lately the changing character of the Friesland area.

With exuberant childish colours, the Danish artist paints heavy, urgent problems with light strokes in order to address the major challenges that concern us all. Now he puts the art behind bars to isolate a new problem.
While Caught incorporates works from all parts of Kørner's career, it also explores an overarching theme of imprisonment, which has interested the artist for some time. In order to delve into this new problematic, the artist makes full use of central works in his oeuvre, as well as new ones produced specifically for Caught. A central element in the exhibition will be a life-size prison cell that the artist has designed for HEART and which will serve as a platform for a deeper engagement with Kørner's body of work.