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German painter and sculptor Rainer Fetting was born in Wilhelmshaven . He went to Berlin in 1972 where, in spite of the constraint caused by the dividing wall, he was able to
capture the special atmosphere in the western part of the city. Both the student protests and the homosexual movement provided important influences for his view of society in the then,
West Germany.

Through his works, Fetting became a sensitive observer of the city and its art, gay and student scenes. His wall pictures with their powerful and decisive style and vibrant colours do not represent the grey frontline city but the vital metropolis of alternative lifestyles. In the early 1980s Fetting relocated to New York City. However, at the beginning of the 1990s he
returned to the new capital city Berlin and became its observant
companion. In its four chapters Pictures of the Wall and other Berlin Landscapes,
Drummer and Guitarist, Role Playing and Images of Friendship and The New Berlin this volume incorporates important groups of paintings and graphic works which are closely linked to Fetting’s time in Berlin. Around 60 full-page colour illustrations represent the prolific creative output of those years.


Pris ved 1 450,00 DKK

Emne Ny-eskpressionisme
Kunstner FETTING, Rainer
Sprog Engelsk/tysk tekst
Illustrationer 80 ill. heraf 60 ill i farver & 20 ill. i s/h
Format / Sideantal 27 x 23 cm / 120 sider
Udgivelsesår 2011
Indbinding indbundet
Forlag Hirmer Verlag
ISBN 9783777440217
Lev. 3-5 dage


German painter and sculptor Rainer Fetting was born in Wilhelmshaven . He went to Berlin in 1972 where, in spite of the constraint caused by the dividing wall, he was able to
capture the special atmosphere in the western part of the city. Both the student protests and the homosexual movement provided important influences for his view of society in the then,
West Germany.

Through his works, Fetting became a sensitive observer of the city and its art, gay and student scenes. His wall pictures with their powerful and decisive style and vibrant colours do not represent the grey frontline city but the vital metropolis of alternative lifestyles. In the early 1980s Fetting relocated to New York City. However, at the beginning of the 1990s he
returned to the new capital city Berlin and became its observant
companion. In its four chapters Pictures of the Wall and other Berlin Landscapes,
Drummer and Guitarist, Role Playing and Images of Friendship and The New Berlin this volume incorporates important groups of paintings and graphic works which are closely linked to Fetting’s time in Berlin. Around 60 full-page colour illustrations represent the prolific creative output of those years.