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Schilfland. NEO RAUCH. Works on Paper

NEO RAUCH (1960-)

Neo Rauch traverses many boundaries in his work: surrealist and realist; comic and serious; dreamlike and journalistic. Rather than condensing his work into one genre or framework, Rauch combines iconographic and visual elements from diverse worlds: comic strips, advertising, film, architecture, design, German culture, art history and history, in general. This specially designed volume presents Rauch's drawings, which reflect the archetypal and mythical nature of his work.

An interview with the artist and an introductory essay by Wolfgang Buscher provide depth and background to these selected works that hail from every period of Rauch's career.

Pris ved 1 439,00 DKK

Emne Leipziger-skolen
Kunstner RAUCH, Neo
Forfatter Wolfgang Büscher
Sprog Engelsk tekst
Illustrationer Gennemill. i farver
Format / Sideantal 21 x 16 cm / 316 sider
Udgivelsesår 2009
Indbinding Hæftet
Forlag Prestel
ISBN 9783791343693
Lev. 3-5 dage

NEO RAUCH (1960-)

Neo Rauch traverses many boundaries in his work: surrealist and realist; comic and serious; dreamlike and journalistic. Rather than condensing his work into one genre or framework, Rauch combines iconographic and visual elements from diverse worlds: comic strips, advertising, film, architecture, design, German culture, art history and history, in general. This specially designed volume presents Rauch's drawings, which reflect the archetypal and mythical nature of his work.

An interview with the artist and an introductory essay by Wolfgang Buscher provide depth and background to these selected works that hail from every period of Rauch's career.